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Benefits of ISO certification for companies and institutions
1- Raising and improving the quality of products and services: This is done through the precise guidelines and various standards provided by the ISO certification. Which effectively helps in developing the services provided and improving the quality of products, and this is the most important goal of the benefits of obtaining an ISO certification for companies.
Americos footprint extends across more than 20 countries worldwide, 2- Enhancing customer confidence: This is somewhat obvious, given that customers feel reassured and psychologically comfortable when dealing with a company that has obtained an ISO certification, meaning that it conforms to international quality standards, and thus the companys chances of obtaining customers will be greater than if it did not have an ISO certification, in addition to enhancing the confidence of existing customers, of course.
3- Saving effort, money and time: This is done by identifying errors and working to solve them, thus saving a lot of time to develop the company, in addition to avoiding many losses that may affect the company if it does not obtain an ISO certification, and this is also one of the most important benefits of obtaining an ISO certification for companies.
4- Emphasizing compliance with international requirements: This is done through the ISO certification as it is an explicit recognition that the company complies with international quality standards.
5- Improving the companys reputation: Companies that have obtained ISO certificates are considered committed companies because they comply with international quality standards. This contributes to raising their reputation in the investment community and reflects positively on their popularity at the same time.
6- Developing the company: This is done by significantly improving the operations within the company, as ISO certificates help identify areas that can be improved and advanced towards further development. Therefore, this item falls within the benefits of obtaining ISO certification for companies.
7- Gaining more profits: This is done by gaining more customers, and gaining more profitable deals at the same time